Tag Archives: Move_Drawing_Sheet

Making your Drawing Sheets Party together

Do you ever move your sheets from one drawing to another or combine several drawings into one. Let’s play a game to move sheet from one drawing and make it party with other drawing.

You can download the files from here.

1. Open all the drawing files.

2. You may arrange them  (by clicking on Windows menu and setting Vertically or Horizontally)  so that you can select quickly.

3. Now activate the drawing from which you want to copy the sheet.Right click on the sheet in the sheet tab or in feature manager and select COPY.

4. Now activate the drawing in which you want to copy the sheet. Right click on the sheet in the sheet tab or in feature manager and select PASTE.

5. Set the position as required.

6. You can see the sheet copied over to the selected position.

7. Similarly you can do for other sheets if required.

8. You may rename the sheets. Right click on the sheet in the sheet tab, select rename and set the new name OR right click on the sheet in feature manager and select Properties OR right click anywhere on the sheet and select properties. In the pop window, set the new name.