Time to Study and Learn with SolidWorks

I’ve been quite a busy these days after I’ve returned from SolidWorks World 2012 in San Diego. I’ve been working on many things and don’t get much time to write. And to add to this I’ll be busy for next few weeks. This would not be only because of my ongoing projects but also something different, I’m getting back to my school days.

I’m not going to join any school though but will be doing a self learning. I’ll be doing my favorite stuffs in SolidWorks which are Rendering, Animation and API. I’ll be studying and learning via following books in next couple of weeks.

Photorealistic Rendering Using SolidWorks and PhotoView 360

(Courtesy of Rob Rodriguez)

Creating Animations with SolidWorks Step-by-Step

(Courtesy of SolidWorks)

SolidWorks API – Programming & Automation

(Courtesy of Luke Malpass)

SolidWorks API – Advanced Product Development

(Courtesy of Luke Malpass)

I’ll be posting my learning experience with these books soon.

3 thoughts on “Time to Study and Learn with SolidWorks

  1. bhamze

    Is the API book good for beginners? I have no programming experience and was wondering if these books are a good place to start. Thank you.

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